Child Dental Care

Best Child Dentist in Marathahalli

Children’s Dental Treatments at Urban Dental clinic Making Dental Visits Easy for Your Child.

Services we offer for child care

  1. Routine check-ups
  2. Preventive care
  3. Child-friendly Education
  4. Early orthodontic Assessment
  5. Cavity Detection and Treatment
  6. Emergency Dental care

Why Are Baby Teeth Important?

  1. Your child’s baby teeth are important. Children need strong, healthy teeth to chew their food, speak and have a good-looking smile.
  2. Baby teeth also help to keep a space in the jaw for the adult teeth. If a baby tooth is lost too early, the teeth beside it may drift into the empty space. When it’s time for the adult teeth to come in, there may not be enough room, causing the teeth to be crooked or crowded.
  3. Severe infection in the baby tooth can also damage the shape and color of the adult tooth that is forming just below the baby tooth.

Children Dental Care

  1. Children can start to get cavities as soon as the first teeth emerge. It is very important that the first dental visit is pleasant, not anxiety-producing. Going to see the dentist only when the child has problems, does not allow this as the child will then associate the dental clinic with fear and pain. This makes any further dental treatment difficult.
  2. Cavities in milk teeth need to be filled to relieve pain and to allow the child to eat, talk and smile confidently.
  3. Children can have crooked teeth or a bad bite. The sooner these are discovered, the better the chances of successful treatment.
  4. Parents might not be able to recognize early dental problems.
  5. Your dentist can prevent the problems rather than spend time correcting them. Advice on nutrition and home dental care can also be provided.

What Can the Parent Do?

Inspect your child’s teeth regularly for white, yellow, or brown spots, which can be signs of decay. Also, if your child has a toothache or feels pain when eating hot, cold, or sweet foods, a cavity could be the cause.

Looking for the best Pediatric Dentists in Marathahalli? Visit us today at